A Philosophical Basis for Astrology
The Philosophical Basis behind Virtual AstrologerWhy study astrology?
The Hour of God and time windows in astrology
Clairvision approach to astrology
Using Clairvision Virtual Astrologer
Clairvision Virtual Astrologer tutorials textGetting Started in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer (tutorial text)
Animation: watch the sky turn (tutorial text)
Sessions: viewing several charts (tutorial text)
Preferences: customizing Clairvision Virtual Astrologer (tutorial text)
Help for Clairvision Virtual AstrologerConfiguring chart drawings in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer
Customizing settings in the Preferences menu
Foundations of Astrology
Foundations of astrologyFoundations of astrology an introduction
Time basics in astrology
Time measurement in astrology
Astrology fundamentals Earth coordinates
A Southern Hemisphere perspective the 'as is' chart drawing in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer
Astrology fundamentals the Celestial SphereThe celestial sphere and the ecliptic
Astrology fundamentals celestial longitude and latitude
Celestial equator, obliquity of the ecliptic and the seasons
Right ascension and declination
Astrology fundamentals the Solar SystemPlanetary movements in the solar system
Inferior and superior planets
Mercury cycles: east and west
Inferior and superior conjunctions
The Sun in astrology
Chiron and other asteroids
Hypothetical planets astronomy facts for astrologers
Moon phases, eclipses and nodes
The Astrological Toolbox
Astrological toolboxTreasures and deliriums in astrology
Black Moon
Astrological heptagrams
Harmonic astrological charts
Black Sun
Fixed stars and their qualities
Part of Fortune and other Arabian parts
Midpoints in astrology
Planetary hours
Planets in dignity, detriment, exultation and fall
Planetary rulers of the houses
Dividing the magic circle decanates, nakshatras and tithis
House systems in astrologyThe astrological houses an intuitive introduction
Astrological houses locating the chart on the Earth
Astrological house systems a comparison
House systems in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer
Sidereal AstrologyTropical or sidereal astrology what is the difference?
Was Ptolemy a tropical or sidereal astrologer?
Sidereal astrology beginning with the equinoxes
Sidereal astrology and precession of the equinoxes
Sidereal astrology in practice
Systems of sidereal astrology
The Great Year and the Age of Aquarius?
Astrological Interpretation
Angles and houses in astrology significance and symbolismThe angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Imum Coeli
Astrological houses meaning and symbolism
Astrological aspects significance and symbolismAstrological apects major, minor and rare
Aspects waxing and waning, applying and separating
Aspects between dialectically opposed planets
Aspects to angles
Aspect orbs
Astrological aspects conjunctions
Astrological aspects oppositions
Astrological aspects trines
Astrological aspects squares
Astrological aspects sextiles
Astrological aspects sesquisquares
Astrological aspects biquintiles
Astrological aspects inconjunctions
Astrological aspects formations
Retrograde planets in astrologyRetrograde planets astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde Mercury astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde Venus astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde Mars astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde Jupiter astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde Saturn astrological significance and symbolism
Retrograde trans-Saturnian planets astrological significance and symbolism
Prediction tools in astrologyAstrological prediction tools a summary
Astrological prediction tools transits
Prediction tools returns in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer
Prediction tools progressions and directions
Progressions a critical review
Progression methods
Solar Arc Directions and symbolic directions
Astrological signsAstrological signs source of the symbolism
Aries astrological symbolism
Taurus astrological symbolism
Gemini astrological symbolism
Cancer astrological symbolism
Leo astrological symbolism
Virgo astrological symbolism
Libra astrological symbolism
Scorpio astrological symbolism
Sagittarius astrological symbolism
Capricorn astrological symbolism
Aquarius astrological symbolism
Pisces astrological symbolism
Astrology in Practice
Astrological consultationReading astrology charts for others tips, tricks and traps
Prescribing gems astrologically
Astrology and Time WindowsAstrology and Time Windows predicting the magic hour of opportunity
Soli-lunar arc time window
Soli-lunar arcs, jing and sexual compatibility
Soli-lunar sectors and Soli-lunar arcs
Solar arcs and solar arc Time Windows
Lunar Arc Time Windows
Planetary Arc Time Windows
Astrology in the Clairvision Work
Esoteric astrology a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation of the houses1st house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation God, Ego, Archetype and Cosmic Fire
2nd house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation values, the yin substratum for desires and wantings
3rd house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Transformation of thinking
4th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Prepersonal enlightenment and Cosmic Mother
5th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Individuality, shining
6th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Spiritual practice
7th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Did anyone say 'soulmate'?
8th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Death and the occult
9th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Revelation
10th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Materializing
11th house, a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Fellowship of humankind
12th , a Clairvision metaphysical interpretation Cosmic Waters, God the Mother
BibliographyReferences and further reading