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Black Moon in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer

In Clairvision Virtual Astrologer, the Black Moon is represented by a small Moon crescent, about half the size of the Moon, with an opposite orientation to that of the Moon, and usually drawn in dark blue (black on a black background was not an option).

When drawing a chart, Black Moon is selected by default. It can be deselected in 'Configure Chart Drawing' (under 'View,' Drawing', 'Configure Chart Drawing') It can also be set in Preferences. Its position is calculated in Simple and Detail listings.

Black Moon – an astronomical reality

Astronomically, the Black Moon is the second focus of the Moon's slightly elliptical orbit around the Earth.

Following Kepler's laws, the Moon's path around the Earth is not a circle but an ellipse. A circle has one centre; an ellipse, however, has two foci. Taking the orbit of the Moon: one focus is occupied by the Earth, and the other one is empty. This empty focus is what is called the Black Moon.

Seen from the Earth, the Black Moon completes a whole revolution of the zodiac in slightly less than 9 years.

The first thing to notice about the Black Moon is that it is no imaginary construction – it is an astronomical reality.

Moreover, on the symbolic level, it has great significance: geometrically speaking, it is as important as the Earth herself. The Earth is the manifested, conspicuous focus of the Moon's orbit. The second focus is the silent and inconspicuous one. Hence the symbolism of secrets, darkness and hidden mysteries.

There is another element to consider when relating the astronomical nature of the Black Moon to its astrological symbolism. The Black Moon coincides with the apogee (furthest point from the Earth) of the Moon's orbit. If you draw an ellipse with its 2 foci on a piece of paper, you can see that the following points are all on the same line: the center, the 2 foci, and the apogee and perigee (closest point to the Earth). Therefore, seen from the Earth, the apogee is right behind the Black Moon. In other words, the Black Moon and the Moon's apogee have the same celestial longitude.

The astronomical identity between Black Moon and lunar apogee – the furthest point – suggests the symbolism of the secrets of the Moon – its remote, dark, hidden side.

Also known as Lilith, the Black Moon is a fascinating astrological object which was introduced by a largely unknown genius, French astrologer Dom Neroman, before World War 2. However, it was only in the nineteen-eighties that the Black Moon started gaining momentum among astrologers.

Black Moon – astrological symbolism

The Black Moon is a highly metaphysical point in a chart. It is of prime interest to those who are after an esoteric dimension in astrology.

It symbolizes the hidden, the unconscious, the part that people do not easily acknowledge about themselves, the 'shadow', in the Jungian meaning of the term.

More importantly even, the Black Moon represents the latent occult potential in individuals, the deep astral levels that only initiates can contact and explore consciously.

Black Moon (as with Lilith) is also the power to say 'No!' as in the rebel who rejects established order in quest of deeper reality. Black Moon has an absolutist quality, seeing things as very black and white.

As all astrological objects, the Black Moon has a positive and a negative side. The latter relates to dark forces, negative occult influences. These can be related to negative beings of the astral worlds, but also to the fact that people are out of touch with their hidden side, which results in various kinds of troubles. Psychic abilities, when they are present, always work one way or another; if they are acknowledged and understood, they can be used for spiritual work for you. If not, they may well work against you.

On a lower mode, Black Moon brings conflictual elements from the depths of the psyche, as in major traumas (samskaras) hidden inside. But on the higher mode, Black Moon is the ability to reveal what is hidden. It is a force which helps become aware of what is normally hidden. This capacity can make someone a powerful therapist, as in 'midwifery of souls' helping other people discover the most profound values of their psyche.

See full Clairvision Astrology Manual.

copyright © 2008 Samuel Sagan, Ruth Helen Camden.